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News Editor @MSFreePress • Tips: • Since this site is now run by a state-aligned fascist, I have left X for bluer skies.

Jun 26, 2021, 8 tweets

On 9/2/20, Brent wrote, "I've never taken a flu shot and I'll never take a COVID shot."

On 5/3/21: "Zinc & vitamin D regiment > Moderna and Pfizer"

On 6/23/21: "This is Brent's daughter... dad died of COVID...PLEASE save your families this heartache. Go get your shot."


Brent H's Twitter feed also shows that he believed Gov. @tatereeves' ending of the mask mandate was actually HELPING lower COVID rates and that it was now safe to go out in public unvaccinated and without a mask.

Please... get the shot. And til then at least, wear a mask.

I'm sick to my stomach realizing that Brent H interacted with me on several occasions. But my message about the dangers of COVID and the need to get vaccinated didn't get through to him.

I wish I'd known how to get through to people like him when this pandemic hit. I still do.

The lying political & media demagogues who responded to this virus with lies & anti-science conspiracy theories to increase their own power and profit are responsible for countless deaths of people like Brent H. and the grief their families now endure.

Never forget that.

Brent took false comfort in a lie Donald Trump (who would later become severely ill with COVID-19) used the presidency to spread among the American people: that COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate.

Brent shared that false belief with others on Twitter.

Brent insisted that "these things anyone can do is change their diet and exercise."

"That's the no. 1 that will protect you from COVID , not relying other people or masks."

Melania Trump had claimed earlier that month that she used "vitamins & healthy food" to treat COVID-19.

I will never not be angry that powerful people used their bullhorns to help lead more than half a million Americans, including many who trusted them, to their deaths.

This massive death toll was preventable.

I shouldn't have to say this... but there is nothing funny about a man dying and leaving loved ones to grieve as a result of being misled by conmen and grifters he mistakenly trusted. Stay human, dammit.

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