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"Government's first duty is to protect people, not to run their lives." —Ronald Reagan

Jun 27, 2021, 17 tweets

This is @travisakers.

He is pressuring @USAA to cancel @TuckerCarlson because Carlson “disparaged” a former member of the United States military.

Let’s have a look at the kind of exchanges that occur in @travisakers timeline. Specifically, let’s look at some of the things that have been said about @DanCrenshawTX.

One thing to note is that @travisakers likes to delete tweets. Interesting. But we can still see the responses to them.

Note the deleted tweets. But here we have someone disparaging a former member of the United States military. No follow-up tweet from Travis Akers, where he defended Crenshaw.

Here’s another. Crenshaw is a “straight up piece of shit”? Did Akers try to cancel this person? Did he admonish him/her? No.

Mocking a former member of the United States military? Making light of an injury that was incurred during battle? @travisakers, where was your objection to this? Or do you only object to your political adversaries, like @TuckerCarlson, when they say something you don’t like?


@USAA, I sincerely hope you see what is happening here. Progressives are engaging in rank hypocrisy AND cancel culture. @TuckerCarlson said absolutely nothing wrong, and what he did say certainty falls under the scope of the 1st Amendment.

Lastly, @USAA, if you comb through the tweets of those urging you to cancel Tucker Carlson, you will find extreme hatred directed at veterans. I pulled only a few examples. Please ignore these disgusting hypocrites.

Let’s have a closer look at this tweet, where on of @travisakers followers refers to @DanCrenshawTX as “One Eyed Willy.” How disgusting. But notice that Akers deleted his own tweet.


Here’s the deleted tweet. Akers is referring to a leftist political hit job that was designed to damage @DanCrenshawTX. It was alleged that Crenshaw discredited a Navy veteran who was sexually assaulted.

The Huston Chronicle had a closer look at this story. Note that the Inspector General found NO EVIDENCE of wrongdoing.

Did @travisakers tweet a follow-up stating that Crenshaw was cleared? No. Instead he DELTED the allegation.

Given the false allegations flogged all over twitter by people like @travisakers, @DanCrenshawTX was forced to write a Twitter thread to defend himself.

So, when Travis Akers attempts to cancel people like @TuckerCarlson for “disparaging the troops,” let’s remember that Akers is a disgusting leftist hypocrite (redundant) who has a long record of disparaging veterans (on the political right) that he disagrees with.

cc: @USAA

This is pretty hilarious. Travis condemns attacking a person because of combat sustained injuries.

Read the replies. His followers are coming out of the woodwork to attack someone who experienced combat-related injuries.

Look, leftists are perfectly okay slandering and attacking veterans, as long as it advances their political agenda. That’s why this attack on @TuckerCarlson and @USAA is utterly pathetic.

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