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Bret Lynn: "So we'll give the FBI a shot" "So I sat down and put all the...into a document and I'm like 'here you go FBI'"

Jun 27, 2021, 10 tweets

1. It's military appreciation week here at Sherman March, so I'd like to introduce you to Matthew Pierce of the 1st Armored Division of the US Army and a former or current member of Identity Dixie!

2. Matthew Pierce was invited to Identity Dixie back in September 2016 when they were still called TRS Confederates.

3. Matthew can be seen here with the symbol of Identity Dixie, a cartoon Magnolia, in his former profile picture.

4. Matthew scrubbed his Facebook of personal photos, but not to worry because we got there long ago.

5. What is still still up are the patch from the US Army's Aviation Company, Task Force Sinai and a photograph.

They're in Sinai to monitor the Egyptian-Israeli Treaty of Peace.

6. You can read more about them here: army.mil/article/222370…

7. Inside the Identity Dixie chat Matthew Pierce talks about being in Afghanistan, while Army vet(was active duty at the time) Charles Roberts sports the ID magnolia and laments not being able to murder muslims.

8. Last August, Matthew Pierce showed his anger about the outting of former ID member, TRS loser, and UTR attendee Harold Sloke being outted. Chris and Danny were(are?) also Identity Dixie members. He's still involved with white supremacy.

9. Matthew Pierce was active duty 6 months ago. Matthew was in Identity Dixie 2 years ago.

Is he still active in both? I'm not sure, but maybe the US Army should ask questions.

Toodles, Matthew.

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