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Unitarian Universalist Young Adults for Climate Justice / We are a network of UU(/adjacent) activists & organizers ages 18-35 fighting for climate justice.

Jun 27, 2021, 10 tweets

Big news from the @UUA @uuaGA @YAYAUUA @YoungAdultsatGA!

🔥Young Adults at General Assembly 2021 are calling for the Unitarian Universalist Association to divest from fossil fuels!

🔥Read the responsive resolution here: bit.ly/YAGAdivest

Here’s what you should know!

A group of UU Young Adults at GA drafted a Responsive Resolution, “Creating a More Just Future Through Divesting from Pipelines and Investing in Young People”

👉It got 50 signatures & is endorsed by @UUMFE and the UU Young Adults for Climate Justice Network

The resolution urges the UU Common Endowment Fund to:
🔥Immediately & completely divest holdings from banks funding the Line 3 pipeline
🔥Include Young Adults in a transparent & public process to update the UUA's investment policy to divest from human rights violating corps

The UU Common Endowment Fund:
✔️invests $ for UUA and some UU Congregations
✔️grew $50M during pandemic, currently at $250M
✔️usually uses shareholder activism rather than divestment
✔️was tasked with reviewing its investments to align with human rights

The UU Common Endowment Fund did sell its holdings of Enbridge in March '21, after significant pressure

BUT this resolution goes one step further to divest from the banks actually funding Line 3 ...#defundLine3


...& Enbridge, oil pipeline co, wasn't a red flag in UUCEF's Socially Responsible Investing metric bc it didn't own any oil reserves

🔥Several UUs were arrested in a mass mobilization to stop construction of Line 3 in so-called Minnesota, in solidarity with Indigenous leaders

While the Resolution focuses on fossil fuels, the UUCEF is currently invested in several corps w/ human rights violations:

JP Morgan Chase, Amazon, Walmart, Bank of America, Uber, Facebook, ConocophillipsComcast, General Mills, Blackrock, Microsoft, Chevron, Wells Fargo

🔥YAs at GA20's passed resolution called out UUA’s disinvestment in Y&YA ministry, urging for support & equitable $$ labor compensation

🔥This year's divestment RR follows a tradition of emergent YA leadership speaking truth to power, mobilizing in flash points at GA & beyond

See for yourself what banks and corporations the @UUA Common Endowment Fund is invested in: uucef.org/files/2021/04/…

And here's the Banking on Climate Chaos Report @RAN : ran.org/bankingonclima…

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