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A boring person who likes stuff. This year’s themes: Dragon Ball, Kinnikuman, Avan

Jun 27, 2021, 14 tweets

Kinnikuman Gold Mask arc, pt.6: I’ll finish this arc one day, I swear. Anyway, the big boss has finally appeared: Akuma Shogun! Also, everyone is still tiny and inside Warsman’s body. #Kinnikuman #GoldMask

The first to feel the Shogun’a wrath is Geronimo, leading to one of the series’ most infamous flubs: as Geronimo gets spun round and round, a second Geronimo is visible in the group reaction shot. Oops. Sadly, this mistake is corrected in later editions.

The parody manga The Chojin-sama by Makochin Ishihara (a cross between Kinnikuman and his earlier series The Sanmei-sama) offers the theory that Geronimo is hit so hard that he has an out-of-body experience, and this explanation is later used in the Chojin Encyclopedia.

Geronimo isn’t finished yet though: when the five-tiered rings collapse, he holds them all up in order to save his friends. What a guy!

Kinnikuman and co escape via Warsman’s tear ducts and return to normal size. Everyone chips in some of their Chojin Power to revive Geronimo, but it’s no use: Geronimo is a human after all! He admired the Chojin who saved him as a kid and so wanted to become one.

That’s right, this whole time he’s been a perfectly ordinary, non-super powered human…who beat a top Devil Chojin in single combat, restarted his own heart with his bare hands, held up five wresting rings, etc. I don’t know what Zamasu is talking about: humans are awesome!

Since his human body is incompatible with Chojin Power, Geronimo dies. When Akuma Shogun mocks his death, Kinnikuman angrily attacks him, but it’s not the time or place for that. They’ve got to settle things in the ring, but first Kinnikuman must face Ashura Man.

At this moment, who should arrive but Buffaloman? When last seen he was a headless corpse, but now he’s alive again, because why not? While dead he helped out Terry against Ashura Man, but now he sides with his old boss Akuma Shogun.

As the Kinniku/Ashura match goes on though, Buffaloman begins giving Kinnikuman advice. The Ashura Buster attack is similar to the Kinniku Buster…but as master of the Kinniku Buster, Kinnikuman ought to be able to spot the Ashura Buster’s weakness!

Thanks to Buffaloman, Kinnikuman realizes that he can just pull his head out to escape the hold. He counterattacks Ashura Man by driving his head into a small piece of ice in midair, which doesn’t seem like it should hurt at all, yet does somehow

Next he finishes Ashura Man off by driving him into the ground. There, that looks a little more painful. Defeated, Ashura Man sacrifices himself to merge with Akuma Shogun, who now has the power of all six Devil Knights

Even worse, by beating the Ashura Buster, Kinnikuman has shown how his own Kinniku Buster can be nullified. He needs a new finishing move! To buy him time, Buffaloman officially switches sides and takes on Akuma Shogun, revealing his hairless head in the process!

This last part has caused much debate among Kinnikuman fans. Is Buffaloman straight-up bald, or what? The Chojin Encyclopedia says the “current mainstream theory” is that he temporarily shaved his head to mark his transition from Devil Chojin to Justice Chojin.

Next Time: how long can Freeza hold out against Broly while Goku and Vegeta perfect the Fusion Dance?!

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