Lou Rodrigues (she/her) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧ Profile picture
Change Agent | Connector | Q | Community Builder | Head of Continuous Improvement | #QIHour creator | OCD | 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Ally | #QITwitter | #BetterByBetsi

Jun 28, 2021, 20 tweets

Looking forward to joining this virtual workshop today with @ALPHAcademy at @BangorUni

"Healthy behaviours in individuals & systems: what drives behaviour and how can we harness it?"

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@ALPHAcademy @BangorUni Prof John Parkinson introduces the outcomes of today's workshop! So pleased to be attending today!
#ALPHAcademy #ILAWorkshop

When we diagnose the problem in Improvement.....how often do we consider the behaviours needed for the change to succeed and how to influence them? How often do we walk in the shoes of those involved in making the change happen?

#QITwitter #ALPHAcademy #ILAWorkshop

John says there are more than one system in relation to behaviour change: Reason, Conscience, Automatic.

We think we make decisions and behave in a certain way based on reflection, planning & problem solving (system 2) but often we make quick decisions based on system 1

When might we use each system? We might use them for different scenarios. Listed are some of the advantages and disadvantages of each system.

#QITwitter #ALPHAcademy #ILAWorkshop

A group whiteboard session has generated some thoughts on some of the things that influence behaviour

#BehaviourChangeILA #QITwitter

I'm simultaneously taking part in a @FutureLearn course on an Introduction to Organisational Behaviour (OB). I'm beginning to wonder if our improvement diagrams should include behaviour as a primary driver. Just mocked this up based on the OB course
#QITwitter #BehaviourChangeILA

John is introducing us to the COM-B tool, which asks us to consider capability for behaviour change, motivation for behaviour change and opportunity for behaviour change
#QITwitter #BehaviourChangeILA

Interesting comment from John around risk perception and how risk perception may differ within a group!

#BehaviourChangeILA #QITwitter

Prof Carl Hughes is now introducing us to the EAST Framework which I've come across before but not explored further.

4 simple ways to apply behavioural insights

You can download it for free here: bi.team/publications/e…

#QITwitter #BehaviourChangeILA

Carl is providing some examples of application of this framework - impact on behaviour change via really simple changes....

Have you used this framework well in improvement❓

#QITwitter #BehaviourChangeILA

Now listening to Dr Rosemary Smith, talking about how we can bridge the gap between intention & action. What blockers and enablers are there? And how do we overcome them?

#QITwitter #BehaviourChangeILA

This next session looks really interesting with Prof Carl Hughes.

#QITwitter #BehaviourChangeILA

"By balancing the needs of individuals & the group & building relationships with other teams, we shape the culture"

#QITwitter #BehaviourChangeILA

Core design principles for polycentric governance.

Shared purpose right at the top!

#QITwitter #BehaviourChangeILA

Where 0 is at the centre and 10 is at the outside, think about a team you are part of - how do you rate currently? Could you use this tool to facilitate a session with a group you're working with?

#QITwitter #BehaviourChangeILA

These are some questions you might consider.

#QITwitter #BehaviourChangeILA

Recognising the need for agency and new power in behaviour (culture) change

Interested in learning more about power? I recommend Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms book "New Power"

#QITwitter #BehaviourChangeILA

This diagram shows how you can link changing behaviour (culture) within a system to the COM-B tool.

#QITwitter #BehaviourChangeILA

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