Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll Profile picture
woman with many causes, writer, Jew, Israeli, fighter of extremism. Born in exile. cofounder @chochmat_nashim

Jun 28, 2021, 8 tweets

I'm just here to troll the anti Zionists

At the Dior Cafe

Old City of Jerusalem, iced coffee, sunshine, life's little pleasures

When I showed the guys at the cafe the tweet and the responses they were really devastated. As I said one of their mother's is South African and she fought apartheid. That people lookat them that way when all day long they serve Arabs, Jews etc is upsetting. On the other hand,

They're actually living life and are in reality, not in someone's self-righteous mind. One was so astute, he said "This is the new religion anyone who is seen as weak is good and anyone who is seen as strong is bad." Yes dear you are exactly correct, this is the new religion

They're really sweet and remind me what Israel is all about

He said to me, "Apartheid! When we can't pray or go safely to our holiest place in the world??" (Its illegal for Jews to pray on the Temple Mount for fear of upsetting the Muslims)

Kid's got it exactly right.

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