Jack Butcher Profile picture
if you can’t get there by being yourself, it’s not worth going

Jun 28, 2021, 11 tweets

Build Once, Sell Twice turns one today.

@aaraalto shares 7 lessons that helped him build a scalable, community driven product around his specific knowledge:

"Sell your sawdust" (in this case, draw in public)

"Be yourself, people want to buy from people"

"Be everywhere" (give more than you ask for)

"Be transparent" (sharing what you're building helps build it)

"Speak in problems" (reverse engineering)

"Solve in products"

"Extract proof" (learn how to move this)

Aaron launched Sketching Sells last week.

It's ace, check it out here:


If you're interested in the playbook that helped Aaron turn his specific knowledge into a product, check this out:

Code "aaron" will get you $50 off today.


To everyone that has supported this over the past year, thank you.

You can read more graduate case studies here: visualizevalue.com/blogs/case-stu…


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