Chris Combs (iterative design enjoyer) Profile picture
@deehowardorg Endowed Assoc. Prof. @UTSA Hypersonics, aerospace engineering, fluids, aerodynamics, propulsion, energy, lasers, imaging, sports science 🚀✈️💥🔥

Jun 28, 2021, 9 tweets

🌪From the weekend, this is one of the most violent tornado videos I think I’ve ever seen🌪

This was from a tornado outbreak in, of all places, the Czech Republic

The way those trees topple over is unbelievable. That is some incredible wind speed

From a bit further away, this gives you some perspective on the strength of this storm and the level of danger present in the first video

This is the scene afterwards, it looks like a bomb went off. Really bad situation

Here’s some aerial footage of the damage via @BrnoNewsCTV

The tornado apparently left a damage track 26 km long that ranged from 100 to 700 meters wide

We have a relatively high frequency of tornadoes in the US, but they do happen all over the world

I saw a lot of comments remarking how unsafe it was to take that video (true! don’t do that!) but for an area where tornadoes are rare I think we need to cut them some slack

Also consider that even in the US where tornado safety is a regular point of emphasis, there are many myths people believe (parking under overpasses!) and still plenty of folks taking dangerous videos close to windows…

If you would like to help, @BrnoNewsCTV seems to be a pretty good source of local information.

Thankfully it sounds like there has been an outpouring of support for the affected area (to the point where traffic has been an issue)

And this appears to be the original source of the video (slightly longer version as well)—notice how many trees are there at the start…

Another way to help via @EVlnata

There are a lot of people out there trying to help out and it’s great to see…

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