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Small Biz Capitalist. Mom. Hoosier Alum. I consider a good leopard print a neutral & have the love-seat to prove it.

Jun 28, 2021, 15 tweets

#AZAudit Good morning! They were working early this morning (I gave up at 1am), and they're back this morning. There are 10 observers on the floor this morning with about 5 volunteers as a few boxes of ballots are being reviewed and one paper eval table is running again.

#AZAudit Note: AZSen has leased the Coliseum till Wednesday June 30.

#AZAudit ICYMI (because asleep like normal people) Here's what was happening around 1am this morning:

#AZAudit Reminder: The effort at the Coliseum is just the first part of the Forensic Audit, the re-count and paper eval. There's still an electronic review, machines and canvass to come. Then there is that matter of missing passwords and routers to settle.

#AZAudit Four paper eval tables running now, even as they remove 4 more.

#AZAudit Working through lunch!

#AZAudit The machines have been moved onto the floor into the open holding corral, for their turn.

#AZAudit Locked tight too.

#AZAudit Something has the observer (pink) from SoS Hobbs office very interested in the "completed corral". Meanwhile one of the volunteers (red) called over his supervisor and a few staff from CN. I wonder why?

#AZAudit On the other end of the floor, there are 8 tables reviewing specific boxes now.

#AZAudit Volunteer Red definitely found something interesting, they elevated it to the next level.

#AZAudit Even the Hobbs observer (pink) is interested in this.

#AZAudit A lot of focus on something in the completed corral earlier, and the CN Attorney is back.

#AZAudit And now there's a lot of attention here. Even the observers from SoS Hobbs are interested.

#AZAudit Paper review has shut down for the night, locked up until tomorrow. The work of the Ninjas continues as they work through the reviews from today.

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