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Jun 28, 2021, 11 tweets

We are LIVE from the White House where hundreds of young people from @sunrisemvmt are calling on the Biden admin to stand up and do what's right. #NoClimateNoDeal

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@sunrisemvmt Nothing less than the future is at stake. @sunrisemvmt youth have marched hundreds of miles to bring their voices to the White House today. #GoodJobsForAll

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@sunrisemvmt .@JamaalBowmanNY is on fire 🔥 - at the White House with hundreds of youth activists from @sunrisemvmt.

Now is our time to GO BIG. #NoClimateNoDeal #GoodJobsForAll

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@sunrisemvmt @JamaalBowmanNY Emma survived the devastating Paradise wildfire. After marching 266 miles, she's at the White House today to fight for our future. #NoClimateNoDeal #GoodJobsForAll

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@sunrisemvmt Mary's here to remind Joe Biden of the promises he made to young people and struggling communities. Let's go big, let's go bold. The time is now.

"Today we are telling President Biden that if he wants to be a climate leader he has to listen to the young people who elected him." #NoClimateNoDeal

@sunrisemvmt Live at the White House ➡️…

Rep @coribush thanks @sunrisemvmt activists for turning out, doing the work, and keeping the fight for climate justice alive. We shouldn't have to still be doing this, but here we are. #NoClimatenoDeal #GoodJobsForAll

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@CoriBush @sunrisemvmt "Sometimes you gotta show up." Thank you for stepping up for environmental justice, @CoriBush!

@sunrisemvmt "What a lot of folks here in D.C. don't understand is that while this may be the hottest Summer of their lives, it's going to be one of the coolest Summers of OUR lives."

@AOC is bringing the 🔥

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@sunrisemvmt @AOC .@AOC: "What we are here to tell them is that you can't break this promise to us anymore."

The rally at the White House is wrapping up with a question to @POTUS: Which side are you on?


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