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Bret Lynn: "So we'll give the FBI a shot" "So I sat down and put all the...into a document and I'm like 'here you go FBI'"

Jun 28, 2021, 8 tweets

1. Continuing military appreciation week here at Sherman March, I'm pleased to introduce you to Identity Dixie member and US Army Vet Harley Todd of Englewood, FL.

2. Harley Todd joined the hate group Identity Dixie in January, 2018.

3. When fellow Floridian Identity Dixie member Tyler James Thompson got a FB timeout, Harley payed his respects in the chat.

4. In January 2019, a year after Harley joined Identity Dixie, a soldier Charles Roberts went to basic training with executed 5 women in a Florida bank. That got Harley's attention.

5. Harley's Facebook posts are pretty pedestrian, but the content he likes tends to be very fashy. I can spot a few Nazi symbols in there.

6. Based on the dates I know for sure he was in Identity Dixie, his Army pictures, and his ROTC pics it appears certain he was a member of this hate group during Active Duty.

7. Is Harley Todd still in Identity Dixie? Is Harley still in the Army or Army reserves? I don't know, but it seems like something the Army should look into.

Toodles, Harley.

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