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Jun 28, 2021, 12 tweets

Yesterday, New York Republicans wore the Star of David to compare the treatment of January 6th Capitol insurrectionists to Holocaust victims.

The irony of using that poem that warns of silence when they “came for the socialists” when Republicans rail on socialism 24/7.

@nyuniversity professor Mark Crispin Miller also wore a Star of David to compare the treatment of January 6th insurrectionists to the Nazi’s treatment of Jews during the Holocaust.

NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller said the January 6th “so-called attempted coup” was “theater” and a “PSYOP.”

NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller believes the “video of the heroic Black cop holding back the horde” during the January 6th Capitol insurrection was “theater.”

This is the Republican candidate for New York Governor’s response after being exposed wearing a Star of David to compare the treatment of January 6th insurrectionists to Holocaust victims.

Derrick Gibson is trying to say the button doesn’t represent any comparison to J6 prisoners, but the officials flyer for the “free political prisoners” event quotes pastor Martin Niemöller’s famous poem on silence during the Holocaust.

Derrick Gibson continues to double down on using Holocaust imagery inappropriately. Everyone saw how that worked out for Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Besides Derrick Gibson, other attendees wore the Star of David “never again is now” buttons at the event advocating for January 6th insurrectionists.

The emcee of the event was Cara Castronuova, NBC’s The Biggest Loser season 11 coach who also admits to being in DC on January 6th to protest Trump’s big loss.

Cara says the fed investigation “ruined her damn vacation” and they “owe” her for that trip.

Meet musician Michelle Erin Fuchs, a vocal couch and organizer for @SchillerInst / @schillerchorus, who said she was “proud to be in Washington DC on January 6th.”

Michelle Erin Fuchs sang at the Republican event where speakers wore Stars of David and compared Capitol insurrectionists to Holocaust victims.

Michelle has a pic of herself in DC posted on 1/7.

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