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Climate info & tools for immersive learning. We rely on creativity, science, & community, just like NYC. #PlayEnergetic Tweets: R Reiss

Jun 29, 2021, 9 tweets

Climate as a way to learn about wet bulb temperatures. TL;DR version -- humidity with a heatwave is much more dangerous than a dry heatwave

How dangerous? In a few locations, already this dangerous:…

NYC is unlikely to experience a dry heatwave.
When I want to bore myself to sleep in the middle of the day I like to open up a report sponsored by a couple of billionaires six years ago.…

* Climate is not really an info problem, and only a little bit an 'oil company' problem, but it is very much a social contract problem. Every billionaire has a crystal clear view of climate impacts, and so do Google, Goldman Sachs, Facebook, and McKinsey, or more correctly,

the academically gifted individuals who constitute Google, Goldman Sachs, Facebook, and McKinsey. In our meritocratic, credentialed, wealth-concentrating society, academic gifts are a path to power, or becoming power-adjacent.…

If Kim Stanley Robinson is right (along with @narasimhadrao @JKSteinberger and others), a more egalitarian society is the best path to decarbonize, as pointed out here in an essay KSR wrote for a meritocratic audience 12 years ago.…

Direct evidence shows that it's very hard for a bright 22 year old to extract themselves from the Ponzi scheme KSR refers to, and so the gears click over one more time. How, if you're 22, can you take the risk of not being on the elite curve on this graph?…

If your choices are predator or prey, you really don't have a choice. The only way off the graph would be to get all the other 22 year olds in a similar position to leave with you. That's the actual history of climate for the past 20 years.…

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