Kevin Brennan MP Profile picture
@WelshLabour MP for Cardiff West & @CommonsDCMS Select Committee Member. Constituency casework can't be dealt with here please email

Jun 29, 2021, 10 tweets

Here's a short thread of the questions I asked Lord Frost in today's @CommonsDCMS inquiry into EU visa arrangements for creative workers. #CarryOnTouring (1/9)

Firstly I told Lord Frost I found his approach to Select Committee scrutiny appalling. I then asked him if he sees the issue of touring as an immigration issue or a trade issue? After repeating my question, he eventually says "both" but he says it's a complex question. (2/9)

I put it to Lord Frost that it's about trade because we're not talking about people permanently moving - it's about movement of artists to earn valuable export currency in an industry which has an export surplus. He says the government won an election to end free movement. (3/9)

I then read out a quote from a previous DCMS Minister, who after the 2019 election said, "it is essential freedom of movement is protected for artists post 2020." Lord Frost says no Minister "can dictate the outcome of a negotiation that hasn't yet taken place." (4/9)

I tell Lord Frost the creative industries are worth £115 billion and is a net exporter. So why were negotiations concluded with no deal for such an important sector? He says the government do not agree with permanent visa waivers which is what the EU wanted. (5/9)

I put it to Lord Frost that most people would conclude he doesn't give a fig about the creative industries - especially after he didn't personally reply to @CarryonTouring_'s letter to him. He says no one would reasonably conclude that - he worked hard during negotiations. (6/9)

I then asked Lord Frost what he would say to Elton John following the latter's powerful statement and blunt assessment of the damaging consequences of the government's failure to secure an agreement with the EU. He says Elton had a lot of success before the UK joined the EU (7/9)

I then asked Lord Frost why the issue wasn't even on the agenda of the last EU–UK Partnership Council when he chaired the meeting. After I had to repeat my question, he says "you can't put something that is not the business of an organisation on that organisation's agenda." (8/9)

To finish I raised concerns about the possible reversal of UK films and programmes being treated as European for cultural quota purposes - I asked Lord Frost what the impact would be on exports and inward investment. Sadly, he didn't seem to know what the impact would be. (9/9)

You can watch my questions in full here:

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