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⚡️ Founder + CEO @SocketSecurity (https://t.co/7g1opA8rgG) • 🌲 Visiting lecturer @Stanford (https://t.co/yw9prxLQAM) • ❤️ Open source @WebTorrentApp + @StandardJS

Jun 30, 2021, 10 tweets

I've been testing #GitHubCopilot in Alpha for the past two weeks. Some of the code suggestions it comes up with are eerily good.

Here's a thread with some examples that I found surprising. Will update with new examples over time.

Here's #GitHubCopilot helping me write a function to change the <meta name='theme-color'> attribute to a random color in a loop for TheAnnoyingSite 🤣

It suggested the exact code I was going to have to look up on StackOverflow. Nice.

Here's #GitHubCopilot helping me make the first version of the inline media viewer on @Wormhole_App.

I started by rendering the media viewer for a specific file type (I used .txt randomly). For all other file types, I wanted it to "fall through" to the standard click handler.

If the file's mime type (media type) is an image, we want to use an <img> tag to render it.

#GitHubCopilot suggests the right code and sets the right value into the appropriate React state.

Then, it writes the whole next else if block for audio files too.

Here I was updating the @Speakeasy_JS website to add boilerplate for upcoming events.

#GitHubCopilot figured out the pattern of our event dates. We host them every week on Fridays and it filled in the correct date, without me needing to check a calendar.

Another @Speakeasy_JS example.

Here you can see that #GitHubCopilot figured out that the getCurrentEvent() function should either return the event, or null if the event is not valid.

Fixing a bug in a @Wormhole_App API endpoint where file extensions should be treated case-insensitively.

#GitHubCopilot suggests the correct bugfix, which is to lowercase the extension.

Making a boolean function to determine if a mime type (media type) is supported by the inline file viewer on @Wormhole_App

#GitHubCopilot suggests the right code

Adding support for text mime types (i.e. media types) on @Wormhole_App. For text files, I want to support any mime type with a "text/" prefix since there are so many.

There's no array of text media types in the code, so #GitHubCopilot suggests a more general solution:

Updating browser detection code to detect Opera on iOS and Android.

I added the code for detecting iOS opera ("opt/") and was about to add iOS Android ("opr/") next, when #GitHubCopilot offers to finish it up for me, in two stages

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