Office of Kevin Rudd, 26th PM of Australia Profile picture
This account is managed by the Former Prime Ministerial Office in Brisbane. Follow Kevin directly at @AmboRudd

Jun 30, 2021, 8 tweets

If you watch nothing else today about Australia's COVID lockdown, watch this.

Despite Murdoch's relentless attacks, QLD lifts the lid on Morrison's bungled vaccine rollout & national quarantine crisis. Why has Murdoch deliberately understated these crises?

A thread.

Premier Palaszczuk reveals National Cabinet never approved AstraZeneca for under-40s.  Neither did the independent experts panel, ATAGI. Nor did Australian doctors, the Australian Medical Association. 

Why is Morrison pushing young people to take AstraZeneca? QLD Health Minister says they have 8 DAYS of Pfizer left & have been denied requests for more. Murdoch is wrong to blame state govts for slow rollout. The truth is there's a Pfizer shortage.

Why is the Delta strain here? Deputy Premier says Morrison's 'closed international border' is a lie. This outbreak is linked to an unvaccinated frequent flyer. Morrison lets through business travellers, using vulnerable #strandedAussies as cover. And they want to hide the data.

QLD Deputy Premier suggests Morrison may go it alone with his own federal vaccine hubs to push excess AstraZeneca to young people against health advice. Why was there no similar rush to build regional quarantine stations?

Premier Palaszczuk calls for all people leaving/entering Australia to be vaccinated. That makes sense because of Morrison’s failure on quarantine. QLD's proposed Toowoomba facility could have been built by now, but Morrison smugly refused.

Have you ever seen a Chief Health Officer so fired up? Dr Young is clear: AstraZeneca is not recommended for under-40s, after deaths overseas from clotting. She doesn't want the first COVID death in an 18 year-old Queenslander to be from the vaccine. 

Morrison & Murdoch want to gaslight Australians into thinking everything is fine. Rubbish. While the world opens up, Morrison's failure on vaccines & failure on quarantine have locked us down. The world sees Australia as a country whose leaders have inexplicably let them down.

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