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Jun 30, 2021, 11 tweets

RESULTS: C-SPAN's 2021 Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership:

Top 10 Presidents

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C-SPAN's 2021 Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership

Number 1: Abraham Lincoln receives top billing, as he did in 2000, 2009 and 2017.

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C-SPAN's 2021 Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership

Number 2: George Washington retains his status as he did in previous three surveys.

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C-SPAN's 2021 Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership

Number 3: Elected to 4 terms, Franklin D. Roosevelt holds his position.

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C-SPAN's 2021 Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership

Number 4: Theodore Roosevelt stays in the top five.

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C-SPAN's 2021 Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership

Number 5: Dwight Eisenhower

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C-SPAN's 2021 Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership

Number 6: Harry Truman

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C-SPAN's 2021 Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership

Number 7: Thomas Jefferson


C-SPAN's 2021 Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership

Number 8: John F. Kennedy

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C-SPAN's 2021 Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership

Number 9: Ronald Reagan

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C-SPAN's 2021 Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership

Number 10: Barack Obama moves into the top 10 for the first time.

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