Glenn Kessler Profile picture
Editor and chief writer of The Washington Post's Fact Checker since 2011.

Jun 30, 2021, 7 tweets

The new C-SPAN poll of presidential historians is out! Always interesting to see how reputations rise and fall. In two decades, Ike shot up from #9 to #5 and stays there. Obama moves into the top ten. ....

Meanwhile, Woodrow Wilson has fallen from #6 to #13, and Polk had also dropped from #12 to #18. Bill Clinton had moved up from #21 in 2000 to #15 in 2017, but now slips back to #19. ....

No surprise that Trump makes his debut in the bottom five. The pathetic James Buchanan retains his lock on last place -- but Trump finds himself behind a guy who only served in office for a month before he died.

Trump is ranked dead last in two sub-categories -- moral authority and administrative skills. He does pretty poorly on most others, but economic management was his best result -- he was ranked #34. (That's also Bill Clinton's best result -- he ranked #5 in that category.)

Here's a link to the full survey:…

Oops, Trump ranked highest on public persuasion, not economic management. Here's his full score sheet. There have been 44 presidents -- Grover Cleveland served non consecutive terms -- that 44 is last place.

Here's Obama's score sheet since some people were asking for it. Obama scored in the top ten in five different categories.

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