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Emmy-losing TV writer, Emotional eater. Bats right, tweets left.

Jun 30, 2021, 23 tweets

Survey results - the Finals

Favorite Sports Team
21. Chiefs 15
20. Patriots 15
19. Vikings 15
18. Phillies 15

Favorite Musical Act
15. Pink Floyd 12
14. Tom Petty 13
13. Led Zeppelin 14
12. Rush 14
11. Billy Joel 15

Favorite Sports Team:

17. Chicago Bears 16
16. Buffalo Bills 16
15. Raiders 17
14. LA Lakers 17 (top ranked NBA team)

Favorite Music Act:
10. Pearl Jam 16

9. U2 18

Favorite Sports Team:

12. New York Giants FB 18

11. Dallas Cowboys 18

10. Boston Bruins 18 (Top ranked NHL team)

9. Green Bay Packers 24

Favorite Musical Act

20 votes

8. Prince

Favorite Sports Team

29 votes

8. New York Mets

Favorite Musical Act:

22 votes

7. Foo Fighters

Favorite Sports Team

29 votes

7. Pittsburgh Steelers

Favorite Music Act

26 votes

6. The Rolling Stones

Favorite Sports Team

30 votes + Top ranked NFL team

6. Seattle Seahawks

And now, the top fives

Favorite Musical Act

26 votes

5. Grateful Dead

Favorite Sports Team

39 votes

5. Chicago Cubs

Favorite Musical Act

27 votes

4. Queen

Favorite Sports Team

42 votes.

4. San Francisco Giants

Favorite Musical Act

33 votes

3. The Eagles

Favorite Sports Team

47 votes

3. Boston Red Sox

This is it, folks. The final two sports teams. The final two musical acts. As voted by you. Or other people like you from big coastal cities or liberal pockets everywhere.

And FYI, numbers one and two in both categories have traded off the top spot throughout the survey. In fact, they were tied as often as they weren’t.

Favorite Sports Team

54 votes.

Number two:

Los Angeles Dodgers

And number one...

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, they have 27 titles.

Plus the most votes with 56

1. New York Yankees

And now the final 2 musical acts. This race was such a route that both top 2 finishers had nearly THREE times the vote of any other act.

Number two.

With 83 votes.

It’s... Bruce Springsteen

And that leaves one more musical act. They traded the top with The Boss the whole time.

But finishing first. With 86 votes.

It’s The Beatles.

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