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Social studies of science and technology in northern Australia - engaged STS amidst human and more than human entanglements

Jun 30, 2021, 7 tweets

We had a fantastic few days last week as #TopEndSTS presented the Darwin node of #AusSTS2021. Organising locally, we recognise how lucky we were to meet in person before lockdown and we send our thanks everyone who helped our in-place and online events to happen and be so special

Thank you to senior #Larrakia women Donna Jackson and Lorraine Williams as well as @kirsty_howey from @EnviroCentreNT, Michael Christie from @cdu_ni and Peter O’Hagan from #RapidCreek Landcare for guiding our walkshop along Gurambai/ Rapid Creek.

To Paul G, Meredith Balanydjarrk, Enid Gurungulmiwuy and Jennifer Deger from #MiyarrkaMedia at Gapuwiyak, as well as Amanda Strong @spottedfawnart in Canada for sharing their films with us under moonlight at the #Nightcliff foreshore with #DarwinSolarCinema

To @kellyleehickey and Nadine Lee, as well as Birut Zemits and others from the wonderful #LakesideDriveCommunityGarden, who wove together threads of story, growth, cultivation and food and the breathing of mangroves and Rapid Creek 🍲🍂🌿

And of course to @thao_pow and the @AusSTSgrad team who helped to connect us all online, including a couple of great keynotes. It was truly a situated and distributed #AusSTS2021 to remember!

Special thanks to the amazing team @cdu_ni for their support. Shout out to the local organising committee of @m_spen1 , @_mattbarlow, @bow_cathy, @kirsty_howey, @kellyleehickey with support from @leonienorringt1, @jennifermairi @sim_patrickwest and @YasunoriHayash5

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