Mick Crawley Profile picture
Plant ecologist, fanatical botanizer, croquet player and Newcastle supporter

Jul 1, 2021, 13 tweets

While the grasses are still in reasonable condition, it might be a good idea to take stock of where you have got to in your quest. The plan is to revise the most important species in the form of a quiz (with answers later in the week).

I’ll show you 4 of the most important grasses from each habitat in turn, starting with roadsides. To keep track of the answers, I'll number them like this: 1 = top left, 2 = top right, 3 = bottom left, 4 = bottom right.

Waterside grasses next.

Woodland grasses next.

Chalk grassland next

Acid grassland next

Heathland next

Seaside dunes next

Wheat field weeds next

Upland inbye grassland next

Meadow next

Pavement next

That's it. Have fun. Answers in due course.

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