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Techie (, Author of Masala Lab (…), Musician (

Jul 1, 2021, 11 tweets

The erstwhile school librarian of my late father’s village, Gopalasamudram (near Tirunelveli) used to maintain an annual handwritten diary of literally everything he learned during the year. This is the diary from 1956

The list of Melakartha ragas in Carnatic music

English proverbs (occasionally with Tamil translations). Also some surprising entries

Family trees

General Knowledge. Almost like a handwritten Malayala Manorama yearbook

He was clearly devastated by the death of Nadaswaram vidwan TN Rajarathinam. There are several pages dedicated to him.
PS: Ustaad Faiyaz Khan’s observation about there being more keener listeners of music in the south

A page on the new currency system (from rupee, annas and pies to rupees and naya paisa) introduced in 1957

Number of seats in Lok Sabha and state legislatures (Gujarat is part of Bombay state till 1960)

Did you know that there used to be a 30 min time difference between Bombay & Madras and a 32 min time difference between Madras and Calcutta?

He seems to presciently leave out Pluto

There are hundreds of pages, and these are just the ones that caught my eye.

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