Jellenne 🇺🇸🌵🌞 Profile picture
Small Biz Capitalist. Mom. Hoosier Alum. I consider a good leopard print a neutral & have the love-seat to prove it.

Jul 1, 2021, 24 tweets

#AZAudit It's moving day! Machines are nearly loaded, and the pallets are being shrink wrapped for storage. Phase 1 of the first Forensic Audit in USA History is nearly complete.

#AZAudit They broke down a lot of tables and equipment overnight and were here early this morning. Contrast this to just a few weeks ago:

#AZAudit Machines in storage. Starting on pallets of ballots.

#AZAudit They've been reviewing some paperwork on this specific pallet for a while.

#AZAudit @BennettArizona is signing off on each pallet before it is shrink wrapped. #Details

#AZAudit The padlocked pallet hasn't been touched yet.

#AZAudit Loading the servers.

#AZAudit Interesting, but not surprising. They've loaded several of the paper eval tables, printer tables and other work spaces. Clearly those processes will continue the next few weeks in the Wesley Bolin Building.

#AZAudit SoS Hobbs observer watching carefully.

#AZAudit Current status:

#AZAudit New set up

#AZAudit Next delivery happening

#AZAudit Bennett unlocks the VIP pallet corral. Just a few more pallets to be loaded.

#AZAudit Deliveries happening

#AZAudit Loaded up the "VIP" pallet. Interesting, there are boxes of differing sizes, some from Amazon.

#AZAudit Last partial pallet of ballots loaded.
Props to the observer with the snazzy hat so her friends and family can see her on camera! (just a guess...)

#AZAudit Can't help but wonder what's going through the mind of the observer from SoS Hobbs office watching all of this.

#AZAudit last load secured with zip tie and lock, observers all hugged each other afterwards, even the observer in pink! Election Integrity for ALL!

#AZAudit And just like the all the other cameras but 1 have stopped. Meanwhile...incoming

#AZAudit Off loading the VIP pallet. Seems to be some discussion about how to keep it going on.

#AZAudit Bennett's not happy just leaving it here.

#AZAudit Somehow the thread has been broken in some places and not in others today. For continuity here's the later part:

#AZAudit 👋🏽Veterans Memorial Coliseum! Thanks for being part of USA History!🌵trivia: The PHX Suns first played ball there before the arena was built downtown. VMC became "Madhouse on McDowell" because of amazing 6th man fans.
Decades later, Valley🏀fans haven't changed!

#AZAudit Lonely (at least for now) but important job. At least she's inside vs the LEOs patrolling out in the heat.
I suspect this will be the last tweet in today's thread, but I'll add if there's something new. Thanks for reading everyone!

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