Conspirador Norteño Profile picture
Data Scientist/Musician/Participant in the General Confusion @trutherbotprop Resist autocracy and research/counter disinformation. I serve the realm.

Jul 1, 2021, 13 tweets

OK, time to create a @DrunkAlexJones account on yet another MAGA social media site and stuff. This feature to "import copies of your Twitter" content looks interesting, will definitely test that out.

cc: @ZellaQuixote

Suggested follows include NewsMax (which somehow has 905K followers on a platform that just started?) and the verification checkmark appears to be red because of course.

So far it looks like a pretty literal clone of Twitter's user interface (much more similar than Gab or Parler).

So far my GETTR feed consists of copies of @NewsMax tweets from 2015. Quite the platform for urgent breaking news and stuff.

Oh hey, a fake Mike Pence account. Seems like a good follow.

And a fake Trump account, with an uppercase "i" in place of the lowercase "l" in "real", because no one has ever thought of that before.

Let's check out GETTR's amazing search feature. For some reason, searching for "Jason Miller" brings up Miles Guo (Steve Bannon's partner in various propagandalicious activities).

Are there accounts with GAN-generated profile pics fishing for followers on GETTR? It didn't take long to fine at least one, with the totally legit sounding username of "AnalRoberts".

More on GAN-generated images here. (GAN = "generative adversarial network", the AI technology used by etc to generate fake face pics.)

Now I am getting a "Hitler" account as a suggesting follow on GETTR. . .

(I still haven't found the feature for importing my Twitter content, though. . .)

Ah, this probably explains the absence of the import feature - @DrunkAlexJones wasn't a "reserved" name.

No #CaturdayEve posts on GETTR? What kind of social media site has no cat content? This doesn't bode well for the platform (unless the search is broken, which wouldn't be great either).

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