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Jul 2, 2021, 7 tweets

Is Narendra Modi really transforming India ?
Replied by Jay Agarwal.
Jay Agarwal, works at Federal Government of the United States
Since I have not lived in India for almost 25 years, I can only answer this as a perspective.
Note that as a US Citizen, I can neither….

…vote in Indian elections, nor have any vested interest in the electoral outcome in India. Hence, objectivity!
I will narrate two stories to make my point. And I will not even use any boring statistics!
Story 1 -
A routine Uber ride in Washington DC, and an Afghani driver….

…picks me up. After a few minutes, he asks me if I am Indian, I say yes, and he smiles and says that he loves Bollywood. I smile back. His next question, do you know when somebody will make a movie on Modi. I am a little shocked, not at the movie suggestion but that he would….

…even know Modi. Anyway, I ask him why. His answer is that Modi is considered a magician in Afghanistan and Afghanis pray that they get a leader like him to make Afghanistan like India.
Story 2 -
My beloved coworker from Nigeria, Iteogu, starts every morning at work with a….

…curse at the Nigerian President Buhari. In his expert opinion, Buhari has sunk Nigeria. He then gives me a baleful look and says, what do you care, you have Narendra Modi. Look at where India is today. After this morning routine, we get our coffee! Every morning!

So, two completely random non-Indians, with no political agenda, want somebody like Modi to run their respective countries because they believe Modi can turn their fortunes around.
Nobody has fed them propaganda.
They simply see what India has become under Modi and how it’s…

..international prestige has soared.
I’m not saying he’s perfect, but in my 25 years in the US, I’ve never seen India receive so much attention & status as it has under Modi. You’ve to give credit where it’s due.
Haters will hate, but it is undeniably Modi’s magic, pure & simple!

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