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Jul 2, 2021, 6 tweets

SwiftUI ViewBuilder is resultBuilder, and from Swift 5.3 you can declare if let, if case, multiple if statements, switch, ... pretty much like a normal block function.

ViewBuilder is recommended to leverage SwiftUI type system to ensure performance. Here are a few examples 👇

Local variables.

Pretty much like a normal function, you can declare local variables and return View at last.

Mix if and switch statements

This is handy when you want to show modal or overlay of different Views

If statement only.

No more if else with EmptyView, you can just return View for the happy path.

Empty return.

For function marked with ViewBuilder, you don't need to return anything

Return nil.

Optional conforms to SwiftUI View as long as its Wrapped conforms to View. So we can return nil from ViewBuilder

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