Niall of the Bogside Nine Profile picture
🔥 I want to believe in a freedom that's bold 🔥 But all I remember is the freedom of old 🔥 #ACAB 🔥 All you do is call me, I'll be anything you need. 🔥

Jul 3, 2021, 46 tweets

What does a month of email's from Donald Trump's "Save America" PAC look like?

A massive grift.

With some personalization...

June 1st
Re: Special Access

June 2nd
Re: Invitation Attached

June 4th
Re: This Is Important

June 5th
Re: Time Is Running Out

June 6th
Re: My Father’s Official Birthday Card

June 8th
Re: It's Us

June 9th
Re: Democrats And The Media Are Seething

*National Republican Senatorial Committee

June 10th
Re: We Only Need 1


June 10th
Re: A Message From President Trump


June 10th
Re: 📎 Here’s The Plan To Win In 2022

June 12th
Re: Claim Your Double-Entry

June 13th
Re: Happy Birthday, President Trump 🤮

June 15th
Re: I’ve Been Thinking.

June 15th
Re: I’m Really Counting On YOU

June 16th
Re: What Should I Tell My Father?

June 17th
Re: 📎 Your Invitation

June 17th
Re: I’m Really Counting On YOU

June 18th
Re: Mark Zuckerberg

June 18th
Re: Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity

June 19th
Re: Hydroxychloroquine Works

June 19th
Re: The Location Of My FIRST Rally Is...

June 20th
Re: Official Invitation

Take number two.


June 20th
Re: What Are You Doing On June 26th?

June 22nd
Re: I Can’t Wait To Be Back With The American People

June 22nd
Re: Mark Zuckerberg

Scene: Crying over Zuck
Take two.

June 23rd
Re: I’m Really Counting On YOU

Number three...

June 23rd
Re: The China Virus came from a Chinese lab

June 24th
Re: A message from President Trump


June 25th
Re: Did You Miss This?

June 25th
Re: I’m a member of the Trump Honor Roll

June 25th
Re: Hurry, Niall

June 26th
Re: Official Message from the 45th President of the United States

June 26th
Re: President Trump is heading to the border

June 26th
Re: Quadruple-matching alert

June 26th
Re: Trump Legacy Member Status

*Republican National Committee

June 29th
Re: I need you, Niall

June 29th
Re: Make your voice heard


June 29th
Re: Invitation Attached

June 30th
Re: $2,000,000

I skipped June 30th copies of the "Hydroxychloroquine Works" and Florida "Invitation Attached" emails because you get the point.

I'm fascinated with people who fall for the personalization, fake deadlines, guilt, and donate.

The emails reek of a sketch used car salesman...

with slime and desperation oozing from them.

I keep thinking of a quote from Goodfellas.

Except in this version...

It's my birthday, fuck you, pay me.

Biden... fuck you, pay me.

I'm announcing a rally. Fuck you, pay me.

Want to go? Fuck you, pay me.

Want to win a trip? Fuck you, pay me.

Zuck banned me. Fuck you, pay me.

Use my non-existent social media...

and fuck you, pay me.

I'm going to spoon-feed you like a baby.

Bullshit like hydroxychloroquine works, 2020 election fraud and hugging and kissing U.S. Capitol police on January 6th.

"Open up... here comes a Trump Train... chugga, chugga, choo-choo! Fuck you, pay me!"

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