रात का सैनिटाइजर- डोगा Profile picture
Alter ego Inspector Suraj !!! Joker in a Democracy !!! Retweets = non monetized endorsements

Jul 3, 2021, 7 tweets

Want to know how a new state forms in India ?
Let's examine.

1. Bill for this purpose shall be introduced in either House of Parliament on the recommendation of the President

2. President shall take the opinions of the concerned state legislature too if he/she wants to

3. President may or may not accept the recommendations of the state legislature, their opinions are not BINDING.

4. Then the bill is required to passed in either of the houses by SIMPLE MAJORITY

5. The bill after this is tabled into the next house (supposed if it is already passed in LS then it will now be tabled to RS or vice versa) and again it's passed with SIMPLE MAJORITY

6. A notification is published after president gives his assent to the bill in the Gazette of India

7. A new state is formed as soon as the notification comes out

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