Ammar Rashid Profile picture
Researcher, organizer. Politics, development & public policy in Pakistan. Words in @dawn_com. President @AwamiWorkers Punjab. Socialist. ☭

Jul 3, 2021, 23 tweets

Who is Seengar Noonari? A thread on the life and work of the abducted socialist organizer from @AWPSindh and why more people must speak out for him. Request people to share widely. #ReleaseSeengarNoonari

Seengar is a grassroots activist from Nasirabad who is currently Labor Secretary of AWP Sindh. He comes from a rural working class background, the son of a peasant farmer from Kamber-Shahdadkot. While he grew up w/ few opportunities, he was born into a socially & politically -->

..conscious family, from a politically charged region that had produced revolutionary giants like Hyder Bux Jatoi, leading to him becoming imbued with a strong sense of justice and civic responsibility from the start of his life. #ReleaseSeengarNoonari

Seengar was the first in his family to get a proper education, graduating with a BA from Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur. He became involved in social work from his school days, joining a local welfare organization that worked to promote girls education in poor families.

After he graduated, instead of moving away to the city, he decided to stay back & work for the people of his hometown, making ends meet through a job as a pharmaceutical salesman while he continued pursuing his passion for education & social work. #ReleaseSeengarNoonari

He started coaching local students as a volunteer. He relentlessly advocated for new govt schools, particularly for girls, in his extremely educationally underserved region, leading to many new schools being started & facilities being restored in several schools of the district.

Seengar also became an active member of Shehri Ittehad Nasirabad, a citizens group that worked to maintain social & religious harmony, engage in community self-help & advocate with govt on the city's needs. He was elected President thrice, reflecting the community's trust in him.

Seengar was initially inclined twd Sindhi nationalism, as is often the norm among politically aware Sindhi youth. Over time however, he grew disillusioned w/ what he saw as factionalism & rigidity & moved to the Left. He joined Labour Party in 2009, which merged to form AWP later

Seengar’s lifelong training in social & political activism gave him just the skills required for Left politics. He started organizing rice mill workers most of them precarious workers, helping them form a union and fight for fair wages & social security. #ReleaseSeengarNoonari

As a result of his efforts, workers managed to achieve wage increases, improve work conditions & strengthen job protections. In Seengar, workers found someone competent & committed they could take all their problems to. This is why they're out for him now. #ReleaseSeengarNoonari

Seengar’s efforts for his community resulted in him being asked to run for LG election in 2016. He easily defeated his landlord opponent despite few resources. His tenure as a councillor was spent among the people, fixing municipal issues & fighting for improved public services.

Gender equality has always been at the core of Seengar’s politics, a value instilled into him through major the role played by his strong mother in his life. He worked for years to build avenues for women’s education & social & political empowerment. And it shows.

Unlike many, Seengar applies his convictions to his life. He encouraged & convinced his own wife & sisters to join Left politics, taking on more care work. His wife Fozia became a founding member of @wdf_pk the first socialist feminist organization in Sindh & later in Pakistan.

His efforts to spread education & raise consciousness are among his most remarkable achievements. He helped start & rehabilitate schools & libraries, convinced hundreds to enroll their daughters, provided free coaching services, & organized dozens of study circles for youth.

He started AWP Nasirabad’s annual Haider Bux Jatoi socialist political school, which has become an institution in his hometown, attracting 1000s of students, workers, women & activists every year from across Sindh & beyond to discuss everything from the economy to art & culture.

I have attended the political school hosted by Seengar & AWP Nasirabad & it is one of the most intellectually stimulating, engaging & grounded conferences I have ever witnessed in this country or others. Wrote about it earlier this year here:…

Seengar is also a man with a deep appreciation for art & culture, growing up in a community steeped in the literary traditions of Shah Abdul Latif, GM Syed & Ibrahim Joyo. He promotes & participates in political street theatre, where his wife & family also sing & perform.

He organizes Macch katcheris with local Sufi & folk artists and tries to integrate their art into his political practice, managing to infuse spaces for theoretical debate & protest with the grounded wisdom & intensity of Sindhi folk poetry & music. #ReleaseSeengarNoorani

There is so much more that could be written on Seengar that could fill pages. Of his work to organize sanitary workers against non-payment of wages & terrible conditions. Of his efforts to address workers individual complaints & experiences of injustice on an almost daily basis..

..of his relief work in times of disaster or economic crisis. Of his passion for the well-being of children, evident in how much they love him. Of his always cheery demeanor & infectious smile. There's a reason so many are marching to demand his release. #ReleaseSeengarNoonari

Seengar is simply an outstanding human being. It is not just that he is innocent – he is one of the best amongst us. It is people like him, who dedicate their lives to service to others, who stand for something & create unity across social divides, that hold this society together

Seengar is missing bc he mobilized hundreds against BTK’s land grabs & was mobilizing for AWP’s Day of Action when he was abducted. He has never hurt a fly in life & is a living example of nonviolent praxis. But his lifelong efforts to organize workers are now a threat to elites.

#ReleaseSeengarNoonari. Stop silencing those who care about the people & are willing to dedicate their lives to their service. End the crime of abducting political workers for having a desire for change. Stop silencing the few trying to make others conscious. Let people breathe.

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