mrspanstreppon Profile picture
"Liar!" retorted Hyacinth, with the directness of speech that is not merely excusable, but almost obligatory, in the political profession..."

Jul 3, 2021, 6 tweets

Re - This email account appears to be active. I don't know if it belongs to Trump's CFO, but here's what I do know about Trump's relationship w Capital One, Chevy Chase Bank & Chevy Chase Trust Holdings Inc....

...Per Trump's '15 financial disclosure, he had a $50m+ mortgage on 40 Wall St w Capital One, incurred in '05 & due in '17. He also had a $5m-$25m mortgage on Trump National DC w Chevy Chase Trust Holding Inc incurred in '09 & due in '29....

...At the end of his term in office, Trump still maintained a Capital One checking account w a balance of $5m-$25m. The 40 Wall St mortgage was refinanced by Ladder Capital in '15 & the terms of the Trump National DC w Chevy Chase Trust remained unchanged...

...According to a history of Chevy Chase Trust Company on its website, both Chevy Chase Bank & Chevy Chase Trust were owned privately by the Saul family. In '09, the bank was sold to Capital One but the family retained ownership of Chevy Chase Trust....…

...Have no idea if it is unusual for the CFO of a client to have an email account on its lender's network. Could be a privacy issue, perhaps to keep communications off the Trump network. Maybe Vance's office should be alerted...

...Funny thing is I've been asking for three years how Trump could maintain a Capital One checking account in the name of a non-existent legal entity, Trump 2012 PCA (President Campaign Account?) since at least 2011 which was never disclosed on any OGEs...

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