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Jul 3, 2021, 34 tweets

🧵 Trump Rally thread for today’s rally in Sarasota, Florida.

There was a “Rescue 45” campaign ambulance in front of the building before sun up.

Possible proud boy guarding the building out front.

This couple hit up Cracker Barrel and showed off their QAnon bracelets before the rally.

Giant effigy of Trump because they are totally not a cult.

Vendors are selling Three Percenters and Confederate Flags at today’s Trump campaign rally in Florida.

It’s not like there was a Capitol insurrection 6 months ago or anything.

Classy folks attend these rallies. Isn’t Trump still taking credit for the vaccine?

Video of the Confederate flag display outside the Trump campaign rally in Sarasota, Florida.

These are white supremacist rallies.

There is a “Don’t Tread on Me” snake photo booth at the Trump rally. 🐍 📸

This place is a carnival.

“F*ck Biden” flags and shirts for sale at the Trump rally.

So this means Trump is?

They made him turn his shirt inside out.

It’s not the “secret service” it’s Trump’s event security that won’t allow Q and rebel flags and this shirt. His followers make him look bad on the TV.

People just be ruining their vehicles…

Totally normal behavior…

Super delusional

These shirts calling Kamala Harris a “hoe” have been sold at multiple rallies.

Classy folks

It’s a delta variant rally…

These are white male grievance rallies…

Hide the teenagers…

Some Proud Boys attended Trump’s rally tonight. One wore a “Capitol raiders” tank top to celebrate January 6th.

Here’s two more in Proud Boys gear. Hate groups love Trump.

Some parents think these Trump rallies are great for young children.

Racism and nationalism passed on from generation to generation.

Great grandpa probably attended George Wallace rallies.

“I’m stills Trump Girl…” Kids being trained to be Trumpers.

Someone in a Confederate flag vest made it past the screeners.

Another video of the vendor selling QAnon and Confederate flags outside the Trump rally.

These are being sold at the Trump rally.

Here’s another shirt being sold at the Trump rally calling Kamala Harris a “hoe.”

When your cross out the name like that it means the election wasn’t “lost/stole” by Biden.

“…and f*ck you for voting for him.”

Has any other candidate in history sold merchandise saying “f*ck you” to political opponents and voters like this?

📸: This Confederate Flag flying with the “Trump 2024” flag tells you everything you need to know about these white supremacist rallies.

This pic is from the vendor row inside the Trump rally.

Is this an official campaign shirt?

Even after all the Trump-fueled Asian hate?

QAnon shirt spotted at the rally.

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