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Jul 4, 2021, 10 tweets

Before we get to the creepy child grooming receipts, Richard Medhurst first got onto our radar after boosting a pro-Assad Syrian who works for the anti-refugee party Alternative for Germany. (thread)

Before Richard Medhurst landed a job at the anti-Semitic Iranian regime's PressTV as a self-proclaimed Syria/politics "expert," his grift was entertainment (rapping as "Richi Rich," doing YouTube rants).

Defenders of Richard Medhurst are screaming that his accusers are COINTELPRO, but do they know that Medhurst's dad is a high-ranking cop who taught courses on subversion + propaganda?

And why is anyone surprised that Richard Medhurst is a serial groomer and abuser of young girls? His abusive, sexist language in DMs to a 15-year-old girl is consistent with what he said publicly about AOC.

Richard Medhurst was in his mid-20s when he sent these messages to a 17-year-old girl promising "real dates" and far worse. 🤮

Richard Medhurst stans are claiming that because the screenshots are cropped that somehow they are fake or fabricated. Medhurst wasn't just using his account to send these messages though and the profile images from his friend/alt matches up.

This screenshot did not crop out Richard Medhurst's name or profile image, so that excuse will no longer fly.

On the left is a leaked screenshot from Richard Medhurst's "Jay Smith" sock account and on the right you can see the same globe light in the same corner of his room in this YouTube video. Same poster too!

Again, for the Richard Medhurst stans relying on the "muh blurry/cropped screenshots = fake" argument to defend him.

Final argument against the ridiculous notion that Richard Medhurst's accusers are government agents: If that were true he'd be arrested like his buddy, convicted pedophile Scott Ritter who thought he was sexting a 15-year-old girl (turned out to be a cop).

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