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Bret Lynn: "So we'll give the FBI a shot" "So I sat down and put all the...into a document and I'm like 'here you go FBI'"

Jul 4, 2021, 20 tweets

1. I'm pleased to introduce you to Zeffen Hardin! He's the GOP Congressional candidate for the 28th District in Texas for 2016, former Marine, member of the Identity Dixie's secret "Lone Star Hate" group, and Rebel Yell guest.

2. Zeffen was in the Facebook "TRS Listeners Group" starting in October 2016 after being a fan of The Daily Shoah for at least a year. He was also a fan of Rebel Yell.

3. January 5, 2017 TRS Confederates formed a secret chat for TX racists called Lone Star Hate. Zeffen Hardin got an invite the first day. Within 3 weeks TRS Confederates would be Identity Dixie.

4. Less than 2 months before that Zeffen lost to Democrat incumbent in the TX-28 Congressional race.

5. In between those events he was a guest on Rebel Yell. The first 100 episodes aren't hosted by Identity Dixie and are tough to find. Recently a friend provided them to me. 🥰

6. Some highlights of the episode:

- He was a listener of The Daily Shoah for over a year at that time and also enjoyed Rebel Yell and Richard Spencer’s Radix podcast.

- Out of nowhere he said he's read Mein Kampf and talked about a few parts of it.

7. More:

- He found the alt right by

- He found the alt right by watching the extremely antisemitic "Merchant Minute" segment of The Daily Shoah. Found it on YouTube and it lead him to more hate.

8. More:

- Said "I've turned so many people into right wing extremists just by talking to them"

- He served in the USMC as a Field Radio Operator for 7 years

- Prior to running for Congress he spent the last 5 years working in oil fields in TX.

9. Zeffen appears to have had his Facebook account suspended.

10. Zeffen Hardin might have been suspended for the misogynistic and bigoted things he said there. His thoughts on women are something.

11. He's just a huge piece of shit.

12. He really loves talking about "whores". Fixated on them, really.

13. His Twitter is @ZeffenTX28, but it's locked up. See, Zeffen has had a bit of a problem with the public on Twitter as well.

14. Here's an example of his posting.

15. Here's another.

16. /pol/ found Zeffen and recognized someone like them.

17. One thing of note is that Lone Star Hate was run by Phil Lovelady aka Bedford Lee Dabney aka @ConwayFitty. Lovelady is also longtime Texas Nationalist Movement guy. I'm sure this is a coincidence.

18. This is Phil Lovelady aka @ConwayFitty.

19. Phil Lovelady really represents Identity Dixie, Lone Star Hate, and the Texas Nationalist Movement.

Anyway, Zeffen is a piece of shit, just like everyone else in Lone Star Hate and Identity Dixie.

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