Carole Cadwalladr Profile picture
Late adopter. Late giver-upper. Guardian & Observer writer.

Jul 4, 2021, 9 tweets

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Health is the deliberate mass infection of an entire nation’s children with a novel & mutating virus with unknown long term consequences

This man is an active danger to public health.

It is likely we will be at almost 100k cases/day when Sajid Javid will remove the mandate on masks.

‘We will have a country that is not just freer but healthier too’

At every step of this pandemic, the UK government has made deadly mistakes. But what’s happening now isn’t a mistake, it’s deliberate.

Sajid Javid has announced his ideologically-based decisions not to parliament but to an ideologically aligned newspaper. This isn’t health. It’s ideology.

Sajid Javid is literally condemning tens of thousands of children to long covid, a serious long-term condition with as yet poorly understood neurological and other effects

And then there's what this policy will do to the rest of the world. What variant are we going to produce next?? And what impact will this have on the rest of the (less vaccinated) world?…

What I've been struggling to understand is why ministers would put their own children at risk?

Maybe this is a clue?

Sajid Javid's children are privately educated. Term ends in many private schools this Wednesday.

And then there’s this.

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