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Zonal Office of Press Information Bureau @PIB_India, M/o Information & Broadcasting @MIB_India, Government of India, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Jul 5, 2021, 10 tweets

Union Minister of Education @DrRPNishank to launch National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy (#NIPUNBharat) now

NIPUN Bharat is being implemented by @DselEduMinistry


The guidelines and framework for #NIPUNBharat has been formed after consultations with the States. Experts from @ncert as well as outside have been involved in the process. @cbseindia29, @KVS_HQ, @CommissionerNVS have also extended their support

- Secretary, @DselEduMinistry

A big part of #NationalEducationPolicy2020 will be implemented through #NIPUNBharat. The most important aspect of the NIPUN Bharat Mission will be that each and every child's enrolment and progress will be tracked: Secretary, @DselEduMinistry

#NEP2020 says that our aim should be to impart knowledge of foundational literacy and numeracy in primary schools, which is to be judged by learning outcomes. Our aim is to implement it for every child in primary school level by 2026-27: Joint Secy, @EduMinOfIndia


Foundational literacy includes oral language development, decoding, oral reading fluency, reading with understanding and writing skills. Foundational numeracy is the ability of solving day-to-day problems using numerical methods and analysis: JS, @DselEduMinistry


Some objectives of the #NIPUNBharat Mission:

✅Games, exploration and activity based education system
✅Developing the ability in children to learn with motivation, independently and by applying mind

: Joint Secretary, @DselEduMinistry

Today #NIPUNBharat Mission is being launched to make the foundational literacy and numeracy strong for the children of India. The quality of higher education will improve only when the standard of our primary and school education also improves: MoS, Education @SanjayDhotreMP

Today ( launch of #NIPUNBharat Mission) is a historical day for the nation. By 2026-27, every child in the country will acquire foundational literacy and numeracy, so that the desired learning competencies in reading, writing and numeracy is achieved by Grade 3 : @DrRPNishank

A budget of Rs 2688.18 crores has been sanctioned for implementation of #NIPUNBharat Mission in Financial Year 2021-22: @DrRPNishank

@ddsahyadrinews @airnews_mumbai @airnews_pune
@DselEduMinistry @ncert @ciet_ncert @cbseindia29

#NIPUNBharat Mission focuses on students from pre-schools upto Grade 3, that is, children aged between 3 to 9 years. Besides, students of Grade 4 and 5 who have not acquired the desired competencies will also be given additional learning materials to cope up: @DrRPNishank

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