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Jul 5, 2021, 5 tweets

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson set out plans for the final step in easing England's COVID-19 lockdown, including the removal of laws governing social distancing and face coverings, and an end to official advice to work from home 1/5

Johnson said he expected the lifting of restrictions to go ahead on July 19 and a final decision would be announced on July 12. Some elements, including education and travel policy, will be announced later this week 2/5

😷 Facemasks

Regulations mandating facemasks will be lifted. The government will continue to recommend certain circumstances where they may be worn, but this will be a personal choice 3/5

📏 Social distancing
There will be no limits on how many people can meet socially, or where they can meet. This applies to weddings, funerals and other life events. It also includes care homes, although enhanced infection control measures will apply 4/5

💻 Work from home
People will no longer be instructed to work from home. It will be up to individual employers to decide the pace of employees' return. Read more: 5/5

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