Brian D. Earp, Ph.D. Profile picture
Sr. ResFellow @UniofOx; Co-Dir. @bioxphi Lab: philosophy, psychology, bioethics; sci/tech/med; sex/gender/equality; body autonomy; child rights. @UKYoungAcademy

Jul 5, 2021, 30 tweets

Okay, finally back at my computer so adding these refs now - someone asked whether there are post-colonial critiques of tendency to think of African child genital cutting as 'barbaric' while white Western/US child genital cutting is 'civilized/respectable' - yes. Some highlights:

Among many other excellent discussions of this issue, I recommend "Dualisms and female bodies in representations of African female circumcision: a feminist critique" by Wairimũ Ngaruiya Njambi… 1/

"Female Genital Cutting (FGC): Who Defines Whose Culture as Unethical?" by Naomi Onsongo… 2/

"Bridges and Barricades: Rethinking Polemics and Intransigence in the Campaign against Female Circumcision" by L. Amede Obiora… 3/

"Female Circumcision as Female Genital Mutilation: Human Rights or Cultural Imperialism?" by Abdulmumini A. Oba… 4/

"Equality, not special protection: multiculturalism, feminism, and female circumcision in Western liberal democracies" by Fuambai S. Ahmadu… 5/

"Evolutionary cultural ethics and the circumcision of children" by Nahid Toubia… 6/

"Circumcision: an African point of view" by Godfrey Tangwa… 7/

"Genital surgeries on children below an age of consent" by Hanny Lightfoot-Klein et al.… 8/

Also relevant are such texts as: "Intersex surgery, female genital cutting, and the selective condemnation of cultural practices" by Nancy Ehrenreich and Mark Barr… 9/

And: "A rose by any other name? Rethinking the similarities and differences between male and female genital cutting" by Robert Darby and J. Steven Svoboda… 10/

And "Male and female genital alteration: a collision course with the law" by Dena S. Davis… 11/

And: "Framing Male Circumcision as a Human Rights Issue? Contributions to the Debate Over the Universality of Human Rights" by Debra De Laet… 12/

"SHAPING GENITALS, SHAPING PERCEPTIONS: A Frame Analysis of Male and Female Circumcision" by Marjolein van den Brink and Jet Tigchelaar… 13/

"Local rites and body politics: Tensions between cultural diversity and human rights" by Lenore Manderson… 14/

"The cultural debate over female circumcision: the Sudanese are arguing this one out for themselves" by Ellen Gruenbaum… 15/

"Genitals and ethnicity: the politics of genital modification" by Sara Johnsdotter and Birgitte Essén… 16/

"What about 'FGM'? And why understanding culture matters in the first place" by Richard Shweder:… 17/

"Ban without prosecution, conviction without punishment, and circumcision without cutting: a critical appraisal of anti-FGM laws in Europe" by Maria Caterina La Barbera… 18/

"The normal and the aberrant in female genital cutting" by Janice Boddy… 19/

"Hegemonic human rights: the case of female circumcision. A call for taking multiculturalism seriously" by Elisabetta Grande… 20/

"Genital cutting and Western discourses on sexuality" by Kirsten Bell… 21/

"Critiquing circumcision: in search of a new paradigm for conceptualizing genital modification" by Zachary Androus… 22/

Okay, realizing I should stop here as this is an ENORMOUS literature, and anyone who wants to get a handle on the basics can start with these

Well, also: here is a really nice recent one that adopts an explicitly post-colonial lens: "Interrogating the politicization of FGC within conditions of asymmetrical cultural convergence" by MacNamara et al.…

And I can't help myself ... there are just too many really good critiques. See: "Femonationalism and populist politics: the case of the Swiss ban on female genital mutilation" by Bader and Mottier…

and ... "Female genital mutilation/cutting in the UK: challenging the inconsistencies" by Moira Dustin…

"Why UK doctors should be troubled by female genital mutilation legislation" by @ArianneShahvisi…

"Exorcising excision: medico-legal issues arising from male and female genital surgery in Australia" by Christine Mason…

etc. etc. etc.

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