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Jul 6, 2021, 8 tweets

Vehicles, airline equipment and bunkers at Bagram air base after all foreign troops left and the Afghan National Army takes over.

Built by the Soviets in the 1980s, the base was the biggest military facility used by US/NATO forces in Afghanistan

📸Wakil Kohsar / Zakeria Hashimi

Contested Afghanistan.

#AFPgraphics map showing parts of Afghanistan currently under government control and territories under the influence of the Taliban

Afghanistan: two decades of US intervention.

#AFPgraphics charts US troop deployment and death tolls in Afghanistan since 2001

After American troops withdrew without notifying them, Afghan soldiers guarding Bagram Air Base have been left with thousands of Taliban prisoners and a certainty that the enemy will attack

Timeline: US intervention in Afghanistan.

With American and NATO troops having all but departed Afghanistan after 20 years of war, here is a timeline of key events:

The war in Afghanistan, by the numbers.

Here are some key figures about the conflict with US and foreign troops having all but withdrawn from Afghanistan

With the United States military presence in Afghanistan effectively over, the country faces an uncertain future with Taliban attacks rampant and the threat of civil war looming

Afghanistan conflict: major recent violence April - June


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