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Put on your ♥ amor ♥ And let us wage PEACE.

Jul 6, 2021, 6 tweets


Jacob Rothschild (whom abuse victim Maria Farmer recently drew in connection with alleging that the Rothschild clan were Ghislaine Maxwell's "protectors") was BUSINESS PARTNERS with notorious pedo Lord Alistair McAlpine.

Rothschild & McAlpine partnered on a development called Butlers Wharf, in which the late Sir Terence Conran was the 3rd partner

At Bryn Alyn kids' homes, pimp John Allen gave McAlpine "preferential treatment" when the Conservative Party fundraiser "turned up in search of a boy"

Jacob Rothschild's pedo business partner McAlpine was a CONSERVATIVE PARTY FUNDRAISER

The recently-deceased Victoria Schott de Rothschild, 2nd wife of Jacob Rothschild's cousin Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, was likewise a CONSERVATIVE PARTY FUNDRAISER

She +McAlpine knew each other?

Like her fellow Conservative Party fundraiser Lord McAlpine, Victoria Schott de Rothschild died at the relatively young age of 71

Victoria's son, David de Rothschild, was a 'Founding Citizen' of Ghislaine Maxwells TerraMar, "a slush fund for victims of the trafficking operation"

Victoria's ex husband (and David's father), Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, is similarly implicated in the scandal, and not only via son David's support for TerraMar

Evelyn's 3rd wife, Lynn, was pals with Epstein, flew with him, pulled strings for him at Deutsche and sold him property

Jacob Rothschild & Lord McAlpine as business partners

Victoria Schott and Sir Evelyn

Sir Evelyn and Lady Lynn

Fundraising for the UK Conservative Party

Fundraising for the UK Labor Party

Fundraising for the US Democrats

Fundraising for the US Republicans


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