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I'm writing a book on how to stay conscious when you drown

Jul 6, 2021, 6 tweets

MK Dons had operating losses of £63,000 a week in 2019/20 in League One, slightly down on previous season in League Two.

MK Dons total losses nearly £16m, club technically insolvent but should be okay as losses underwritten by loans from owners.

MK Dins income up 10% overall. Would have been higher but season curtailed due to Covid. Club claimed over £1/2 million from furlough scheme for period to 30 June 2020.

MK Dons wage bill up 17% following promotion, club paying £114 in wages for every £100 of income. Average weekly wage £2,400.

MK Dons signed players for £410,000 in 2019/20. Sales were £123,000.

MK Dons owe £12.3 million to owners Stadium MK.

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