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Jul 6, 2021, 8 tweets

Let's play Monobot (2021) by @Ukuza_games & @DreamSmithStud1

This is a "2D physics-based puzzle platformer set in a hostile world set in a dark, distant future." Now available on Steam.

And my first impressions are good.

@Ukuza_games @DreamSmithStud1 It's like Limbo and Inside but with more puzzles, on a deserted planet.

You wake up, and you don't why. There are some evil robots coming after you, and you don't know why.

@Ukuza_games @DreamSmithStud1 The game is pretty and the atmosphere is as much twilight as it is mysterious.

@Ukuza_games @DreamSmithStud1 The gameplay is really a puzzleplatformer. There is more or less gravity and we have to find how to move forward despite precipices or alarm systems.

@Ukuza_games @DreamSmithStud1 We quickly recover 2 tools: a magnetic grapple and a kind of teleporter which exchanges your place with an object. It is often necessary to use great precision to get out of certain dangerous situations.

@Ukuza_games @DreamSmithStud1 This gif is a good example:

@Ukuza_games @DreamSmithStud1 It's a bit of a small game, not very expensive, not very original, but well mastered. I'm only halfway there but the adventure is nice.

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