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Jul 6, 2021, 10 tweets

#ITAESP - Tactical Thread

Key points:

- How Spain stopped Italy's build up play
- Italy forced to rely on transitions for attacks
- Olmo the False 9
- Morata's redemption arc is over

CC: @TacticalPad


Italy were able to grab an equalizer via a more direct route to goal.

In stark contrast to their style all tournament, #ITA were forced to sit back and defend, relying on counter-attacks for chances.

Insigne and Chiesa would target the space behind #ESP fullbacks.

The reason #ITA could not playout from the back was due to the aggressive press from #ESP .

The 3 forwards would press the 2 central defenders and Jorginho, while the ball sided CM (Pedri or Koke) would join the press.

This forced Italy to play direct during the build up phase.

Eventually, #ITA were forced to shift Verratti into a deeper role during the build up so that they could get out of their own third

Due to #ESP front 3+1 press, Spain went from being up a man in Italy's third to being equal. Verratti's role was helpful, but not very.

The difference between the two team's build up play is that #ESP ensured that they always had a free central passing option.

Verratti & Barella would man-mark Koke & Busquets in the build up. Spain knew this, and would drag their markers out of position, creating space for Olmo.

In every phase of play #ESP were constantly trying to create overloads, or at worst, go man for man & drag their marker out of position.

Spain are one of the best pressers at Euro 2020, followed closely by #ITA . Today we saw Italy struggle to press a competent ball playing team

It's no secret that #ESP were the dominant team in this game.

They would use the fullbacks, central midfielders and wide players to create numerical advantages against the #ITA wide defenders, while also maintaining a solid midfield 3 of Olmo, Koke/Pedri and Busquets.

Heartbreaking for Morata. He missed his chance to win his country over.

His redemption arc ended as quickly as it began. He scored the equalizer to take the game to extra time + penalties, but it wasn't meant to be.

It's a shame that this is what he will be remembered for.

Italy are through to the finals of Euro 2020. Having shown us that they can play beautiful football, we were reminded that Italy also remember how to win ugly.

They are deserved finalists. I do not envy their final opponent.

If you've enjoyed this thread, consider following and retweeting it as we will be doing post match threads for all the games during #EURO2020 , as well as match previews for all the upcoming match days on our website:

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