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The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory mobilizes and coordinates assistance to people in need.

Jul 7, 2021, 6 tweets

Follow this thread for important background on Humsa Al Bqai’a, further to today’s reports on another demolition. 👇 #JordanValley #WestBank, occupied #Palestinian territory 1/6

The #Palestinian Bedouin community of Humsa Al Bqai’a, is in Area C of the northern #JordanValley #WestBank, mostly in an area designated as a ‘firing zone’ for Israeli military training, where Palestinian residency or access is prohibited. 2/6

On November 2020 and February 2021, the Israeli authorities demolished or confiscated most homes and other structures in this #WestBank community multiple times, as they tried to force a ‘relocation’ on residents. 3/6

On numerous occasions since 2012, Humsa Al Bqai’a has been temporarily displaced while the Israeli authorities carried out military trainings in the vicinity. We have recorded over 50 such incidents during this period. 4/6

Designated ‘firing zones’ (nearly 30% of Area C) are home to 38 #Palestinian Bedouin/herding communities (6,200 people). These are some of the most vulnerable communities in the #WestBank, with limited access to education & health services, & water, sanitation & electricity. 5/6

The #humanitairan community is providing assistance, but more importantly, pushing for demolitions to stop and to prevent the risk of #forcibletransfer. For the legal aspects and more background see: ochaopt.org/content/humsa-… 6/6

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