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Jul 7, 2021, 10 tweets

Donald Trump has been deplatformed and defenestrated, but he's nowhere close to being gone. The same goes for the people who made up his administration.

Insider's project tracked down 327 of the most prominent Trump administration alumni here. 👇…

At least 99 alumni have establishment ties with prominent lobbying shops, law firms, think tanks, big business or corporate America.

But, as our project shows, not all corporations are willing to employ all former alumni.…

At least 21 former Trump alumni have been building something new, including Nikki Haley, Stephen Miller, and Jared Kushner.…

We found 43 Trump White House alumni still working in politics, including Mike Pence, Mark Meadows, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders.…

At least 42 alumni are still serving in government, from Congress to the states and federal agencies, including Rep. Ronny Jackson, Louis DeJoy, and Judd Deere.

Alumni embedded in the Capitol Hill establishment are working to keep the MAGA flame alive.…

At least 13 have launched media careers, from writing books to hosting TV shows, including Kayleigh McEnany, Steve Bannon, and Sebastian Gorka.…

Six Trump White House alumni now have anti-Trump personas, including James Comey, John Bolton, and Omarosa Manigault Newman.…

At least 18 are in lower-profile jobs with academia, nonprofits, or charity, including Alex Azar, Ken Cuccinelli, and Matt Whitaker.…

Meanwhile, around 85 alumni are lying low in positions that cannot be determined.

On the other hand, we also tracked down six of the most controversial Trump cabinet members now living their best lives.…

Trump's team is no longer running the country, but many hold prominent jobs while they await the outcome of the next presidential election.

Subscribe to Insider and take a look at the full database here. 👇…

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