Carole Cadwalladr Profile picture
Late adopter. Late giver-upper. Guardian & Observer writer.

Jul 7, 2021, 7 tweets

NEW: more than 100 international scientists & doctors have signed letter in @TheLancet saying UK govt’s plans to lift all restrictions are ‘dangerous & premature’…

‘Scientists & doctors from more than a dozen countries signed the letter, which states: “We believe the government is embarking on a dangerous & unethical experiment”

‘Signatories of the letter include Dr Chaand Naipaul, chair of BMA, prof Eric Topol of Scripps Research Translational Institute in California & Sir David King, former govt chief scientific adviser’

@WHO’s @DrMikeRyan characterised the UK govt’s plan of letting people get infected early rather than later as ‘epidemiological stupidity’

‘Moral emptiness & epidemiological stupidity’ @who’s @DrMikeRyan on UK pulls no punches on govt’s decision to infect people sooner rather than later (h/t @GabrielScally)

You can read the letter in the Lancet here. Emergency summit & press conference with @dgurdasani @trishgreenhalgh @KailashChandOBE @SusanMichie @doctor_oxford & @thelancet editor @RichardHorton15 starting at 10am over on @allthecitizens…

Very glad to see The Lancet trending. These scientists & doctors are doing everything they can to make their voices heard. Is the government listening?

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