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Jul 8, 2021, 30 tweets

The VC data bible is out

Our Q2 2021 Venture Report is out and it's 190 pages of data on global venture + Asia, LatAm, Europe and US trends…

Some key takeaways 👇

2/ 136 new unicorns

in 1 quarter!!!

An absolutely gigantic quarter for unicorn births

Aren't unicorns supposed to be rare?

Quick - someone come up with a new name

3/ $156.2B invested in the quarter

The biggest quarter for VC in the history of the universe

Yes - let the bubble takes begin

BTW, I think all those takes are wrong

4/ Of course, with global venture increasing, the USA was also up

The first half of the year for the US was a record as well

5/ Valuation inflation?


But it's competitive out there

The median Series A deal valuation in 2021 sits at $42M

6/ There is no hotter sector than FinTech

$30B invested into fintech in the quarter

or 1 of every $5 venture dollars


7/ There were 390 venture rounds of $100 million+ in Q2

The "private IPO" is pretty common these days

8/ The one big market that saw a funding decline was China which dropped 18% from its all time high

But remember, this is an 18% drop from an all-time high

Tons of innovation and activity still coming out of China

And it will continue to

9/ 1.26 deals per working day!!

Yes - that is how fast Tiger Global is making investments

Easily led the pack for most active investor in Q2

10/ The exit environment was also very healthy in Q2 with 2893 exits (M&A and IPOs)

Lots of financial buyers of tech companies + strategics and a healthy SPAC/IPO environment

Money is flowing everywhere

While the disruption of Silicon Valley talk is always overblown, there is a gargantuan amount of innovation happening everywhere

12/ Lots of rankings and league tables about funding, valuations, exits

Here's the top 10 venture exits of Q2

13/ Here's a look at the largest fintech financings in the quarter

Notice: all outside the USA

14/ Of course, AI has had a record setting half year with $31B in funding in H1 2021

15/ Here's the 5 largest AI deals in the quarter

Diverse array of use cases and geos

16/ Interestingly, as investors all unicorn hunting, the share of deals to the early stage fell to a 5 year low

Seed investing by the big dogs of venture has generally declined dramatically

17/ The @rabois Effect in Miami has yet to show up in the numbers with $711M invested in Miami cos

For comparison's sake, sunny Chicago saw ~$2B invested in the quarter

18/ India's venture ecosystem is booming

$6.3B invested in 336 deals

Both $ and deals at a record

19/ Europe also saw $ and deal records

Interestingly, early-stage deals in Europe were 69% of total deals

Suggests good things for the future of the European venture ecosystem

20/ Here's a look at the biggest financing deals in the UK, Germany and France

21/ The region with the biggest pop in venture funding was LatAm

$7.2B invested is so much larger than any prior quarter

22/ Within LatAm, Mexico and Brazil did very well

Here's the biggest deals in Mexico

23/ So in summary, Q2 was a gargantuan quarter

Get the full 190 page report here for free…

Happy reading

24/ I'm seeing lots of takes that this is like 1999 (the infamous dot com bubble)

This is a quick attention-grabbing take which is likely great for clicks but belies a lack of understanding of 1999 vs now

First, yes there are some things that seem similar

Like what?

25/ Similarities

* lots of $ piling into startups
* everyone (not just VCs) wanted a piece of tech
* tech was top of my mind for media
* some 'silly' companies were getting funded at lofty valuations

26/ Differences

* a lot more enterprise tech/SaaS today vs heavy consumer. It's not eyeball monetization and other nonsense. It's ARR, churn, etc.
* the $ today are going to building product and getting to product-market fit and not racks of servers, colocation facilities, etc

27/ More differences

* The money is increasingly going to perceived winners vs speculative early stage cos. Look at the decline in early-stage in this quarter. It's at a 5 year low.

28/ 5% of total rounds are mega-rounds ($100M+) but they account for 58% of $

So when folks do these facile comparisons of 1999 $ to 2021 $, it's like comparing an apple to a lawn mower

29/ Venture is more global than ever

It's also a lot less incestuous than '99 when recycling of investor $ among ad tech, ecommerce, hosting cos was the norm

One toppled and we watched the dominoes fall

There was no Asia, LatAm, Europe VC scene then. Now they're huge!

30/ Finally, this doesn't mean that there aren't excesses in venture today

Price discipline gone ✔️
Some silly ideas getting $ ✔️
New investor (family offices, HFs/MFs, corps) may be taken for a ride ✔️

All good critiques but let's pls stop with the "It's like 1999" nonsense

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