Emily Burns😊 DMs welcome #TeamReality Profile picture
PhDropout @rockefelleruniv. Wife and Mom of 3. Conservative because liberal. Massachusetts political refugee. Not always right, but try to be.

Jul 8, 2021, 12 tweets

Trying to mask the abject failure of blue state COVID responses, a new success metric has been rolled out: Vax levels. But whole pop. vax levels, mask much lower variance in at-risk groups. What's more, deaths in 65+ from Jan-Jun are NOT linked to vax levels.

Some will say that the vaccination level of the population is important b/c those other vaccinations are shielding the at-risk further. But excess deaths since January are NOT tied to higher levels of whole population vaccination.

The push to vax well beyond the at-risk represents another installment of “following the science” where sadly, fealty to “the science” does not produce any measurable result. This new metric—whole pop. Vax—is designed to wash away all the other failures

“The Science” is not concerned with results, either COVID deaths, or any other collateral damage from their policies. This is why, following the science has no impact on COVID outcomes, and highly negative outcomes for everything else.

High vaccination levels beyond those who need protection is meant to absolve these states from their gross failures. It should not. These policies have been catastrophic. Their architects and adherents should be held to account.

It is interesting to note that there is much less variation by state in vaccination levels in older groups. It is specifically in younger groups where the greatest polarization occurs--with a 10x difference between least and most.

This represents just one more example of “The Science” being willing to sacrifice children to adult fear. Masking is tightly tied to child vaccination levels. As are adult fear of COVID, and low levels of in-person education.

What this graph shows, is not that there is no benefit to vaccines, it shows that there does not appear to be much—if any—benefit to vaccinating those who are not at-risk.

Even in older groups, people without co-moribidities rarely die of COVID-19. Age is basically a proxy for co-morbidities. Remember, the average age of death for COVID is above the national average, and the average number of co-morbidities is 4.

At the time of these deaths (April 2020), there were more than 1.6 million New Yorkers who had contracted COVID. Approximately 40% of them would have had co-morbidities—this represents an estimate of IFR for the healthy by age group--0.008% overall.

Because again, even in older age groups, there ARE healthy people, without co-morbidities, and these people are NOT dying of COVID.

“The Science” needs to take off their blinkers & start looking at this from a whole-society perspective. “Following the science” has proven to have ZERO impact on anything it was supposed to, and massive negative impacts on everything else. Data here. docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…

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