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Jul 9, 2021, 5 tweets

#CabinetReshuffle | Mansukh Mandaviya takes charge as the Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers.

"I will try to live up to PM Modi's vision for farmers' income, in which fertilizers have a greater role," he says.


#CabinetReshuffle | Kaushal Kishore takes charge as Minister of State in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.


#CabinetReshuffle | Jyotiraditya Scindia (@JM_Scindia) takes charge as the Minister of Civil Aviation in the presence of former Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri (@HardeepSPuri).


#CabinetReshuffle | Dharmendra Pradhan takes charge as Minister of Education.


Pankaj Chaudhary takes charge as Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance.

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