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Jul 9, 2021, 12 tweets

Instagram bans covid-hoaxer, anti-vax nurse Erin Olszewski. Erin was in the DC on Jan. 6th, but ran from the Capitol when it was being stormed and hung out in the hotel.

Erin has fired up a promoted “backup” account with almost 50K followers.

Instagram allows accounts and posts for false medical information. “Nurse Erin” is now planning on joining Trump’s lawsuit against Facebook and Twitter.

Nurse Erin is former military and has shown support for Three Percenters.

Nurse Erin was at the Capitol on January 6th, but then fled to her hotel room.

Nurse Erin has appeared on Tucker Carlson and also believes the moon landing was faked.

Nurse Erin Olszewski, an avid Trump supporter, posted this video making fun of an amputee on Instagram.

A true medical professional.

Erin Olszewski is a @simonschuster author.

In response to CocaCola’s racial sensitivity training, Erin made a meme saying a white woman’s excessive tanning makes her “less white”.

Suggesting tanning turns white people into a Black or Brown person is racist.

Nurse Erin flying to DC for the Stop the Steal rallies.

Nurse Erin says she was there at the Capitol on January 6th and made it onto CNN’s coverage.

Nurse Erin spoke at CPAC 2021.

Nurse Erin is still on Twitter where she ridicules nurses fighting covid and calls covid mitigation measures “segregation.”

Nurse Erin is sharing ridiculous videos of ferrous and non ferrous metals sticking to skin.

These social media companies don’t monitor ban evasion very well and often don’t have a way to report it.

Nurse Erin is suspended on @Instagram, but had a backup account with 50K followers and now has a new backup account with 12K already.

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